My Blog

"Believe in yourself to influence others to believe in you. "
Hi guys, I am Ira and a student from UiTM Puncak Alam. I'm study in Education Mathematics. In sha Allah, I am going to be a mathematics teacher in the future. This blog is about my story and journey in my education life.There are also some tips for you to learn better in Mathematics! See you soon in my next entry. Thank you.

Instructional Technology ( EDU455)

Assalamualaikum and hi to everyone. Welcome to my second entries. Today I will give some review about EDU455 which is course of Instructional Technology  (Computer in Education) which I take in this semester. In the beginning of the blog, you will notice that this blog purposes is for this course. What is so interesting about this course? For me, it is really HARD.
IT is really hard. That is my first impression towards this subject in my first week enter to this class. Why I say it is really hard? this is because, my lecturer has told me and my classmates that we don't need to take final paper for this subject. Hence, we need to work harder for our on-going assessment which affect a lot to our marks later. It is easy for us to pass and also to fail. It also make me more complicated when my lecturer says that we need to done the task that will be given for us which is this blog, an introduction in it, review on some learning tools, interactive hyperlink power point and grade book by using spreadsheet in Excel. It is really a lot of job and research that we need to work for. However, practice make perfect and I will try my best and effort in finishing this task.

In the other sides, I also think that this course will helps me a lot in using technologies nowadays. Through this course, I can do my assignment easier and in a creative ways. Besides that, I also can get to know well about computer. This course introduces me to the various computer applications software such as word processing, desktop publishing, web pages development, spreadsheet, telecommunications and their uses in all areas of education.  

In the beginning of the class,my impression toward this subject is it will be very hard since it is relate with technologies and IT which is teach by Sir Mubarak (Mohammad Mubarak bin Mohd Yusuf). However in the second class of this course, I feels this course is quite interesting because Sir Mubarak has told us and give us (me and my classmates) some tips and advice in going through this subject and how to take a good care about our computer. In my opinion, he is very friendly lecturer who easy to adapt with his student since he still in a young age. He told us that we will finish this course with a complete understanding of computers, how to use computer applications, and how to access information on the World Wide Web as an integrated teaching and learning tool. 

In week 4 of my second semester, Sir Mubarak told us that he will no longer teach us in this course because he will be transfer to Putrajaya and the other new lecturer will replace him as a lecturer. After 2 or 3 weeks he left, we got a new lecturer that will assist us through this course. Her name is Miss Norazah or known as Dr. Norazah Abdul Aziz. I heard she is graduated from overseas and all of our classmates are very adore her. She also one of the lecturer that easy to adapt with her student. She is very fluently speaking in english. 

Last but not least, I hope I will be able and expert in using the technologies through this course. This is because I hope I can use this technologies and the useful application in the teaching method to educate other and attract their interest in mathematics. Thank you. See you soon in my next entry.

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job with the blog, Ira! All the best!

    Miss Azah


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